::: list it tuesday :::

My friend Bonnie turned me onto this cool blog that's right up my alley with her weekly feature List It Tuesday.
*and i just love her etsy store! This print went on my wishlist immediately! and I like this one and this one...o.k. I love almost all her stuff!*
I'm a big list maker. Every Monday I take the time to make my Happy List.
I have hand written notes all over the place, and I have recently taken to making lists on my iPhone.
However, I much prefer a handwritten note over a digital one. There is something so satisfying in crossing off items on a to-do list, and it's always fun to refer to a note documenting the fun stages in my kid's lives, better yet, I love getting a hand written love note from my hubby!
Last night over dinner our little family was discussing our favorite movies that we just have to watch around the holidays every year. With List It Tuesday in mind I had fun compiling a list of our favorite holiday movies. After I formatted this photo we all remembered one of our favorite movies! ELF! Can't believe we missed that one the first go around! :)
Happy List-making! :)

happy list // 11.29.2010

1.my little one napping on my chest just like the days when he was really little 2. Cinnabon rolls on Thanksgiving morning 3.fabulous yarn shop reminiscent of the one I loved in Alaska 4. yummy yarn purchases at aforementioned yarn shop. ;) 5. spending time with good friends www.capturedkeepsakes.com 6. beautiful sunset 7. handprint on my oven that I can't bear to wash off :) 8. my little breakfast buddy

"Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

happy list // 11.22.2010

1.3-in-1: peppermint mocha, ketti camera bag, my UGGs 2.sharing a green smoothie with my littlest love. It was his first and he LOVED it! :) 3. knitting...I have been knitting *read: neglecting* this sweater for over a year now and have a goal of wearing it this weekend! 4. today my love brought home chocolates just for me! :) 5. the mess that is daily living...loving every minute of him being little and "messy" 6. I am in love with this shirt again thanks to this video tutorial on how to make a fitted t-shirt. It was previously too big and now it fits perfectly! YAY! 7. I am usually VERY resistant to licensed character toys and such, but Baby Boy looks too cute in his Thomas the Tank Engine pajamas! 8. My Girl and I made this Fall decoration (?) a few weeks ago. Inspired by this post.

young love // Will & Julia

My niece and her boyfriend just celebrated one year of dating this past month.
Around the same time, I just so happened to have the itch to photograph people outside of my three lovies. I don't do it often enough! ;)
We had to "chase the light" and we had fun kneeling in the grassy side brush,
(I made sure to walk all around in it checking for snakes before they got cozy in it) and walking the hill country roads.
Will and Julia are such a cute couple. Their love and respect for one another is always apparent, and they have a maturity in their relationship well beyond their young years. They have many dreams and aspirations together, and I pray all the best for them!

happy list // 11.15.2010

1. this shelf rescued from the trash, that now houses Baby Boy's growing collection of books and toys 2. watching my two littles play...love how they love each other 3. picnic in the park 4. Fall colors finally arriving to Texas! 5. Baby Boy's hugs *he just started hugging back!* 6. these cookies are to die for 7.leaf and flower "prints" made with my girl while the boys napped one day. 8. these rosy cheeks after a nap :)

//Flashback Friday// - Summer 2009

Camping in Alaska in our rented camper,
before we were 4...
(Baby Boy is present in this picture but not yet visible. ;)

picnic time

• sandwiches • cookies • roller skates • skateboarding • hula hoops • swinging • slides • bees • warm weather • beautiful sunset • giggles •

Today, after a productive morning at home we set out for a Fall picnic. It was nice to get "out of town" and spend a bit of time together. I have to admit it was hard for me to leave all that still needed to be done at home, and I was put in a bad mood of sorts because of less than pleasant people on our way to our picnic. Despite all that, I'd say we managed to have a good time. I love my little family, and am so glad they put up with this grumpy Mama!

this year's costumes

Hannah Montana...
She picked out all the clothing and jewelry and requested I straighten her hair instead of wearing a wig. We even created bangs. :) I came up with the microphone concept: toilet paper roll and aluminum foil. Daddy fabricated it, adding electrical tape and his artistic flair.

Baby Boy's costume was easy! Couldn't pass up this Charlie Brown onsie at Target. I think he makes a very cute Charlie Brown.
He even has his disposition.
"Good grief!" ;)

These two make my heart swoon...

Behind the scenes... creating the Hannah Montana look. :)

happy list // 11.08.2010

My friend Maria does what she calls a "happy list" on her blog from time-to-time.
It's a great way to focus on the positive, and snap out of the "wallowing."
I can also share pictures I take but might otherwise never share! :)
So here is my happy list for this week:

1. groovy artwork that we bought locally 2. cool screensaver 3. coffee *you knew that would make the list, right?! ;)* 4. our thankful tree *the little hand in this image makes it even more awesome!* 5. pumpkin scones on a cold day 6. This little cutie sitting like a big boy at the table for dinner, eating what we eat. 7. snuggled in bed with my loves on a Saturday morning 8. making "art"with My Girl.
So tell me...what is making you happy lately?

Turkey Chili

So this soup is technically a chili. :)
In my favorite recipes binder soups and chilis are a combined folder.
Since we are meat-free at home, I do not include the ground turkey when preparing it for my family.
In my opinion it is even tastier without it!
This chili is so simple, yet has amazing flavor!
It's even better the next day!
Turkey Chili

1 pound extra-lean ground turkey breast
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon oregano
6 teaspoons chili powder
½ onion, diced
½ teaspoon ground red pepper (add more for hotter chili)
2 teaspoons flour
1 12-oz. can crushed tomatoes (without paste)
1 15-oz. can red kidney beans
1 15-oz. can garbanzo beans
1 15-oz. can black beans
1 can water

Brown ground turkey in a pot. Drain fat. Add crushed tomatoes and water, and all spices. Mix thoroughly. Cover and simmer 25-30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.
Uncover pot, add flour, and mix through.
Add all beans, mix and let simmer uncovered for 20 minutes.

262 calories, 6g fat, 34g carbohydrates, 19g protein, 10.5g fiber

Printable recipe found HERE

//Flashback Friday// - circa Fall 2008

She was only 7...
still had all her baby teeth...
and looked so beautiful dancing in the light.
~My Girl~

vacation [day two]

Day two was fairly relaxed...no agenda as it should be with little ones. We started the day with donuts and playtime at the beach house...

then we threw on our beach clothes sans-showers and hit the sand and waves...

after we had all gotten a little sun, and worked up quite an appetite, we satisfied our hungry tummies with some food from
Fins Grill and Icehouse. We had to visit this restaurant. ;)

After lunch I wasn't feeling to well (too much sun I think) and Baby Boy needed a nap, so we headed back to the beach house to get cleaned up and rest a bit.
Later on we headed to a cute coffee shop (you knew I would find one right?!) for some coffee, free Wi-Fi, and gelato! YUM!

That evening the beach was calling to us, so we went back again for a stroll in the fading evening light...

After the light faded, we headed back to the beach house for something My Girl had been anticipating all day...
I put Baby Boy to bed, while My Girl and her Daddy took a swim in the dark.
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