::12 years::

12 years of laughter, growth, grace, patience, good days, not-so-good days, 6 moves, 2 beautiful children, and lots and lots of love!
Our dear friends watched the kiddos for us one evening so we could go on a date to celebrate 12 years together.
We decided to get take-out from our favorite coffee shop and have a picnic dinner in the park.
We ate our delicious food, took silly pictures with the camera phone, & watched the sun set...
We decided that the next picnic date needed to include a game of cribbage... Our favorite. :)

Photo taken by our friend Steve - Captured Keepsakes

One day my wonderful hubby came home and told me he needed a little help bringing in all the "stuff" he had bought on his errands...
I walked into the garage and BEHOLD!...My anniversary gift...a mint colored cruiser FOR ME!!! He knew I had been wanting a cruiser for a while. I even sold my mountain bike at a recent yard sale so I could get a cruiser instead!
He even got a hitch for our car so we can get a bike rack for all our bikes! I can't wait for all the bike rides as a family!!!


BB (Baby Boy) has cut so many teeth in the last couple months! He now has a total of 5!
I just had to get some shots of his new toothy grin!
He cut the top three all in one week! whew! I have to say it hasn't been too rough.
I chalk it up to frequent nursing sessions, lots of cuddling, and his baltic amber necklace, which he just recently learned how to take off! oh, brother!
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