my sis came to visit! :)

♥small town farmers market ♥coffee shop ♥joyful laughter ♥crazy antics ♥mud buddies ♥IKEA ♥water park fun ♥Chipotle ♥playing in the hose ♥making hula hoops ♥sitting on the porch ♥making chocolate chip cookies ♥and peanut butter too!☺♥slip n' slide ♥sidewalk chalk ♥homemade lattes ♥iPods/iPhone fun ♥Lego Indiana Jones ♥popcorn ♥donuts ♥Littlest Pet Shop ♥deep conversation ♥hugs ♥sunshine
3x3 collage1
3x3 collage2
It was a fast 6 nights, but some of the best yet this Summer! I am so glad my sister made the 3,306 mile road trip to my house to visit us! And I'm also SO glad she brought along my youngest niece (my brother's daughter) and her sweet Mama! It was the first time I had met this little sweetie, and she's TWO! I see a lot of my brother in her, but she is a lot like her Mama, and just as beautiful!
My sister was my first best friend, and I admire her so much!
Anyone that meets her can't help but fall in love with her. She has amazing kiddos as well, and they had me in stitches with their antics many times! Love this crazy bunch and miss them already!


One of the reasons for my silence lately (along with having an almost 8 month old CRAWLER who gets into everything, and my back going out on me::it's doing better now::) is that I acquired a pretty nasty computer virus/malware.
Everything is seeming to run smoothly after removing the virus/malware, but I am unable to upload photos anywhere but Facebook. :(
And we all know that blog posts are more fun with pictures.
We hope to restore by computer to it's former working condition.
Until then, I will have to get creative and try to get pictures on here some other way!
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