so blessed

after a much better night of sleep, I am appreciating a beautiful sunny day, my kids at the breakfast table,
and a hubby who got to come home early AGAIN! (like before I even had a chance to start laundry, early!)
Life is Good...

p.s. pay no attention to the messy table... Doesn't everyone enjoy eating breakfast with their bill book nearby?! ha!

starting early

his love for books that is...

and most of our mornings of late. I just had the.most.horrible night of sleep in a long time. Baby boy was up almost every hour wanting to nurse, and then wide awake at 5:30AM crying until 6:30AM. whew! I am too old for this!

snow day

It's been so long since I've posted it took me a few minutes to remember how! :)
I'm going to try and just jump right back into blogging regularly, without worries of "catching up."
Don't worry, I'll share some photos from the past few months along the way.
We have moved back to Texas since my last post, and are slowly getting settled in. We have a nice house, and even know a family here already. They have been our friends since we last lived in Texas. They live right around the block as a matter of fact.
David is still getting settled at work.
Today was a snow day!
YES, a snow day in TEXAS!
It was a nice treat for us, as we are missing Alaska very much!
David got to come home early from work, and G. got to play in the snow twice.
I baked blueberry muffins, made hot cocoa, and we even had a fire in the fireplace. O.k. I'll just get to the photos already! ;)

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