Welcome Finley Ernest!

Finley Ernest was born October 17th, 2009 at 11:27am, at home, in our bed, with a midwife attending.
Total labor was 5 hours. (I plan to post a full birth story soon.)

The meaning behind his name:
Finley is Gaelic and means "Fair Warrior or Fair Hero."
(We all liked it because it is unique, we'll call him Fin for short, and it was a given that he would be "fair" regarding physical features.)
It was important for us to include a family name, and we knew that the person we wanted to name our child after was David's Mom, or "Grahamcracker", Ernestine. Ernestine was named after her father Ernest.
Ernest is German and means "serious, determined."
We couldn't be more blessed and thankful for this perfect little boy...

40 Weeks

I don't know why, but I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to actually get a 40 week belly shot...those feelings were obviously wrong seeing as TODAY I am 40 weeks 5 days pregnant! (just look at the ticker to the left!) ahhh! We're trying to be patient...he's not THAT late. I know everyone here is anxious to hold him!
My Mom has been here almost three weeks now! We're praying he makes an appearance this weekend!

At 40 weeks pregnant, it's important not to lose your sense of humor! I'm trying really hard to be positive!
Hopefully the next post will be all about our little guy's arrival! :)

36 Weeks

I posted these over on Facebook, but forgot to put them here. :) Actually the last two I think are in a private album over there on Facebook....ah, well...here is my baby belly in all it's 36 week glory!

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