Angel Baby

Yesterday marked the day that we would be expecting our second baby to be born...
Last year, after two months of actively trying to conceive we were successful in December.
Two weeks after a positive home pregnancy test, I miscarried. Those two weeks were so exciting and happy! Because we learned right before Christmas, we thought we would wait a little bit to tell Gwyneth and others the happy news.
On Christmas morning Gwyneth opened her very last present that was merely a small note inside a little box that read:

Some of my family received an email with only the first picture in this post attached. Some got the message right away, others had to think a little about it...

Looking back, we realize we shared our happy news too soon. You never expect this to happen to you...
It was very hard for me, for two weeks or so. I didn't want to do anything but sit on my couch and watch mindless TV and movies while knitting. This is what I knit during that time...

I cried a lot...I didn't eat, shower, cook, clean. Nothing for about two weeks. (Well, I did shower...)
I am thankful that David was patient with me and let me be sad...
I never told myself I couldn't cry...I just let it out. I had random outbursts but was able to hide them from Gwyneth.
It about killed me having to tell my girl that we were not going to have a baby after all... She was confused...still is a bit to this day and occasionally remarks that she just doesn't get it, "Why did the baby die?" I think the same thing sweetie...
We will always remember that time and we trust that God has a great purpose for us going through something so sad...
We are also SO very thankful and happy that we did not remain sad...but that God blessed us with another positive test the very next month!!! We are excited to welcome our newest blessing in only 5 weeks!

32 Weeks

So...I'm really pregnant now! ha! It's undeniable. Everyone can tell! There is no hiding it. Not that I ever wanted to! :) I am asked often when our baby is due. I find great pleasure in people noticing and asking! :)
  • I love being pregnant.
  • I love feeling our baby boy move around
  • I love shopping and registering for the baby!
  • I love buying new cute maternity clothes that are often not even maternity, like the shirt in this photo. ha!

What I don't love...
  • the lack of sleep I am already experiencing because I cannot get comfortable at night.
  • The muscle aches in my back from carrying extra weight in front.
  • The sore ribs from baby boy kicking me!
  • The constant need to empty my bladder...3 am walks to the restroom are not fun!
  • Heartburn, because there just isn't enough room for all the food I wish to consume! :)
  • Not being able to put socks and shoes on very easily.
We had an appt. with the midwife today and we discussed homebirth as an option. We are set up for a home visit a month from now. In the meantime we are weighing the pros and cons of each, a birth center birth, and a home birth.
It's amazing to think that we will have a little infant in our house in approximately 48 days! WOW!
And Mom comes in "29 sleeps!" G. and I are going to make a count-down paper chain tomorrow! We can't wait to see her!

Sidenote: These two photos are the regular run-of-the mill "document the month" photos. We got a little creative and took some more artsy photos that show a bit more skin. G. was in there chatting with us while we were taking them, so they aren't risque or anything...but I am hesitant to share those ones here on the blog. They are actually some of my favorites though...I might come up with a way to share...maybe. :)

28 Weeks

I've been such a slacker documenting this pregnancy. Apart from a photo every 4 weeks, I have not been keeping any records, or journaling.
That pretty pregnancy journal I made sits untouched. I know I should document things while they are fresh in my mind and before life gets so crazy with a newborn... are the 28 week late! But they were in fact taken when I was 28 weeks along unlike the most recent 32 week shot that was taken a week late! ha!
I do remember that I started to really feel pregnant this month. The belly was definitely getting bigger, and in the way sometimes. I would try to squeeze by objects or people, only to discover, "oh yeah...I have a big belly now!" ha! It's amazing how quickly it appears! :)
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