20 Weeks

Baby boy weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now.
He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel,the length of a banana.

It's A Boy!

We had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday. Baby is healthy, active and...a BOY!!!
We are all pretty excited! David especially! He got his boy!
I have had a feeling it was a boy for sometime...and come on, I knit blue booties!
It HAD to be a boy! ha! I was still a bit surprised when the lady announced "BOY!" The video below is really awesome! I've watched it about ten times now!

We got some really good pictures too!

I will be posting a 20 week "belly shot" soon. I am waiting on some maternity clothes to come in!


G. lost her second tooth Sunday night...well actually Mommy and her pulled it out.
It had been "hanging" around for weeks.
For almost a week straight we would work on it every night before bed.
Finally after much drama and the tooth being twisted completely around she and I gave it a good tug and Viola!
Total time elapsed: 1 hour! So glad it's out!

Cold Turkey - Day One

I've quit coffee cold turkey...Day One...If I am going to quit one delicious beverage, it only makes sense to replace it with something just as good right? Isn't this tea beautiful?
Wish me luck. It is better for the baby and me in the long run. My body was not responding well to coffee lately, so sadly I've had to give it up...temporarily.

Mother's Day 2009

A lovely day spent at church and a buffet for lunch with friends.
My Girl wouldn't be serious for a few snapshots at the restaurant. Oh, well...they're cute shots anyway!

I think I even felt the baby moving in church today! It was so faint I'm not sure...but wouldn't that be neat?...On Mother's Day! :)

warm weekend

Last weekend we were teased with one of the warmest, sunniest days of the season thus far!
G. and I spent our Sunday afternoon out back prepping the backyard for Summer. We raked leaves, and I gave our small patio a little love with some lanterns, a little table and a straw mat underneath the seating area. I was able to use my awesome tool kit my hubby bought for me! All pink, and all mine!
We even broke in the grill for the season...just hot dogs, but fun nonetheless. We even indulged in a pretty expensive out-of-season watermelon. Yum!
This week has been a bummer weather-wise. Back to somewhat cold (50's) and dreary days. We can't wait to be able to spend more time out back...

it's going to be a good day...

Sweet note to wake up to from the hubby...And he emptied the dishwasher! Huge smiles here! :)
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