Sneak Peek - My Girl

Life's been pretty busy around here this Summer.
G. has had a week off of swimming, so we've been out of the house most days...busy shopping at thrift shops, book stores, etc.
This Thursday was our first pick up for our Summer farm share. Yummy... we picked up green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce (both very substantial in size!) arugula, and bok choy.
We will be partaking in much larger bounties as the season progresses.
I love our farm share, and look forward to all the yummy fresh organic produce each week!
Where we pick up our farm share there is an ice cream shop close by. It is only open in the Summer. I treated Gwyneth and myself to a scoop each. David was still at work, so it was just G. and I. G. had the white chocolate, and I had AK Blueberry (YUMM-Y!)
The ice cream was sort of a payment for G.
See I promised I would buy her ice cream if she would pose for some pictures for me! :o)
Yes, it has come to that...she is just so spirited and busy, she doesn't like to stop long enough for me to get pictures of her...
But this day I DID! This one was my instant favorite when I got home a viewed the images! The wind had picked up a little, and was blowing around this white fuzz...not sure what it was from, but it looked like snow! I'll share more later...Another reason I have been absent from the blog...I finally finished editing pictures of baby Zoe, and have her gallery up. (Click image to link to the gallery)


80 degrees outside...80 degrees going full blast, and it's still HOT!
I had my afternoon latte iced!
I've become such a weenie!
But in my defense, it is 86 degrees in San Antonio right now!

Zoe - Sneak Peek

Zoe just recently turned ONE! She is adorable, and has some of the cutest expressions! She just recently started walking too!
I will be back to post more soon!

Camping Photos! FINALLY!

Two weeks ago we had an amazing time camping on the river with great friends.

Here's a link to the album:
2008.05 Camping
If you click the above image it will take you to the whole album which you can view at your own pace. Best viewed with the slideshow option.

Here are a few of my favorites:

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