My Girl Was Here

My Girl is always up to something creative these days. Her imagination is boundless. She loves anything craft-y! Give her paper, glue, markers, clay, paper plates, straws etc...and she'll produce something magnificent! It also helps when Mommy picks up cool magazines like this:All those pink tabs are hers. She has marked many of these projects. What's really neat about most of these ideas is that most of them can be made with household items you may already have. I'm not sure if it is still in print. I bought it a few weeks ago...maybe months, I can't remember. If you have any little "crafters" in your brood, My Girl and I highly suggest this magazine!This was one of the projects featured in the magazine. She played with it in the tub the next day and it got a little soggy... :o) Here she is giving all her Webkinz a ride in the "boat." (Another collection of hers...she currently has 8...spoiled? Maybe just a little bit. But in my defense she has been gifted a few of them and bought the rest with her own chore money.) We've lost count with the Littlest Pets. She now has a caddy that she got as a birthday gift that she can carry up to 150 Littlest Pets's half full!Here's a little diptych of her playing outside on one of the warmer days we've had recently. Her Littlest Pet VIP sat on the porch and enjoyed the fresh air. :o)

I was browsing my April 2008 picture folder today and saw that I have only 65 images saved. (That is personal photos, I did take many more than that, but they were of AWANA events.) That's pretty low for me. Compare that to my March 2008 folder with 207 images. Granted there were two birthdays and our annual trip to the ice park in that batch. Slow month picture-wise. But April went by so fast in other aspects. School is just about done for the summer! Yipee! My Girl and I have been cramming two lessons into each day to finish in time. We started school six weeks after the local schools started. We are now only one week behind them! I am so ready for summer! We have about 5 inches of fresh snow blanketing our back lawn right now. I opened the blinds this morning and moaned...ugh! The streets are still pretty clear as it's too warm to stick...Enough already! I went back and took a look at some photos from last summer...To generate a little hope...Here's two of my favorites...
And this beautiful weather is only 12 weeks away...whaaa!!!


we've been fighting the sickies here for a couple weeks. it started out with me coming down with cold/flu symptoms. i was out for a good three days laying on the couch, fever, cough, body aches, migraines. i was feeling generally lousy for over a week. next David came down with some similar symptoms, but with a twist. he got more of the cold like symptoms. runny nose, itchy watery eyes, sneezing.
Gwyneth is now sick with the same thing, but again a little different. she's been running a temperature since Tues. night. she sounds horrible...scratchy hoarse throat, and coughing.
David was doing well yesterday, but today took a turn for bad again. running a fever, and body aches...
I've been feeling o.k. still having a lingering cough, and certainly sleeping later than I should...
it's so depressing...i just keep praying we can all get better...real soon!
hopefully I'll be back soon with much more interesting and happier things to post about!

Ice Park - Part 2

The entrance to the kid's park.
I actually handed the camera over to David for one shot of Gwyneth and I together!
One of the slides in the kid's park.

"The Thinker."

Catch a wave in Alaska! :o)

My favorite sculpture!

Ice Park - Part 1

This was our second year visiting the Ice Park here in Fairbanks. (I see this becoming an annual tradition for us.)
I did not blog the photos from last year, but we visited in the evening to see all the sculptures lit up. We also froze our patooties off! This year we went in the afternoon, and stayed about 2 hours. Gwyneth loves the kids park, and this year they had all kinds of long ice slides built for the kids (and grown-ups) to enjoy!This particular slide was about two stories high! Gwyneth slid down super fast due to her snow pants, and LOVED it! This is don't slide very well in plain old pants, you must wear snow pants to enjoy the full effects!
They also have a maze and fun little houses for the kids to play in, but unfortunately this year was pretty warm and many of these areas were roped off for safety reasons.Scattered throughout the park are these "bowl" like things. Kids get in them and parents twirl them around till they're beyond dizzy. Due to the warm weather, many of them were "glued" to the ground. We did find one that worked and Gwyneth had a blast. These things are heavy and hard to twirl though!
They always have something interactive built. Last year it was a life-size phone booth complete with a phone book attached. This year they had a kayak. David and Gwyneth posed in it for me. Notice the third "person" in the kayak? That's "Flat Stacy." She came all the way from Australia after visiting my friend Bonnie. She is part of a second grade school project. A little girl in Colorado named Jadyn, made "Flat Stacy" and has sent her off to see the world. After visiting us here in Alaska, we sent her off to New Zealand to visit one of Bonnie's friends and her children.

I'll post some of our favorite sculptures in Part 2 soon!


i don't know when to quit... :o)


Our little one learned to whistle quite a while ago and has been serenading us ever since.
For the longest time she has wanted to learn the next all-important skill of blowing bubbles.
This girl LOVES gum! It's probably a bad habit, but she loves it anyway...
Above is a cool animated gif I put together of her blowing bubbles just days after her first successful attempt.
What kind of gum did she learn with?...why Big League Chew of course!
We found this gum at the comic shop the last time we stopped in and I thought, "Every child should experience Big League Chew at some point in their life!" so I bought a pack for our girl. I tried a few strands of it and had to spit it out after a couple minutes it was so sweet! ugh! But she loves it and has since asked if we could go back to the comic shop to buy more!
I have put this girl to bed many a night since with leftover specks of gum on her lips... :o)

just because...

she's so darn cute...and creative...She decorated a small box as her "helmet" and used a wrapping paper tube as her spear.
After I snapped these photos she asked "Are you going to put those on the blog?"
hee! hee! She knows me so well!
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