
She very rarely stays in front of the camera long enough to get a sweet picture. These are just some of the quick shots I grabbed the other day. She's such a nut. I just LOVE "piggy-buns."
And here is one of us together. It's really difficult to get a natural looking shot while holding the HEAVY camera out in front of both of us with one hand!


I was in a funk this morning...no energy...just feeling really "blah." So I put on some makeup and took a few self-portraits.Gwyneth jumped in a few with me that I'll share more tomorrow! She even let me take a few of her alone! Such a rarity. She only gave me about five minutes, but I got some cute shots I can't wait to share!
I was able to "talk" to all three of my siblings today! A very rare occurrence (all in the same day that is...) and it really lifted my spirits. I love my sisters and brother! I wish I could see them all more often!


Today marks the ninth year my sister Rachel and her wonderful husband Matt have been married! I took this steamy photo of them this past summer and just love it!
Have a great day you two! We love you!

What's Cookin'?

Here's what's on the menu this week:
You can find out more by visiting The Beans Blog Be sure to look around a bit!
WORD OF WARNING: You might get hungry!

happy saturday

This morning there was a bunny in my coffee!
See: ( I didn't set out to make latte art...the bunny shape formed somewhat on it's own, I added the eyes, nose, and mouth.)
And the wonders of technology these days...You can live miles and miles away from your bestest cousin and still "play" together. Gwyneth was on Webkinz this morning with her cousin in Texas. They get to play games together in different "rooms" and can send each other gifts and mail. It's too cute! The phone beside her was set on speaker phone, so they could talk to each other. (They don't do much talking though, I had to ask several times if they were still on the phone because it was so quiet.)

Have a great weekend!

I was tagged...A LONG TIME AGO! :o)

So my friend Jess tagged me almost a month ago! I have been wracking my brain ever since to come up with just 5 random facts about myself...

The rules are:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share five random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.

3. Share the five top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list.

4. Tag a minimum of five random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment in their blog.

5 Random Facts about Me…

1. I wear contact lenses on occasion, and when I put them in, I HAVE to start with my left eye...Same thing when I put on my mascara...left eye first...weird.
2. I MUST put on my socks before my pants! (Can we say OCD!)
3. I HAVE to make my bed as soon as I get out of it! If I don't, I'm tempted to jump back in it. Plus if I leave my bed un-made I feel like I'm forgetting something all day long!
4. I love to eat avocados straight out of the skin. Hand me a spoon and I'm in heaven!
5. I once stole a "Wordless Book" from a Christian bookstore when I was around 4 or 5 years old. My mom made me take it back and apologize to the store clerk...

Top 5 Places I want to see or see again…

1. JAPAN! I lived there for six years. That's where I met and fell in love with David. I long to go back and visit someday! We've even tried to have the ARMY move us there, but there are no jobs for David over there.
2. GREECE. I think it looks so beautiful in all the pictures I've seen. The white homes in the hills, against the blue sky! A photographer's dream location!
3.HAWAII. I lived there when my dad was in the Navy. I was less than a year old when we moved there, and about 5 when we moved away. I went back when I was 10 for vacation with the family, and again when I was 19 just after David and I got married. It's so beautiful there! We could easily get military flights over there! We hope to take advantage of that benefit soon!
4. I'd love to see bears in Katmai National Park. We're closer than ever! Maybe soon!
5. I'd love to go "home" for visits more frequently. All my family lives on the East Coast and I only saw them twice a year when we lived in the "lower 48" and see them even less now that we live up here in Alaska.

I'm tagging:
I can't come up with two more people, and I was tagged so long ago...I'm just going to call it done! :o)


I had to clean up my hardrive this weekend. I was critically low on space. Only 3% free! eek! So I backed up a bunch of pictures and deleted a lot of files. (Still didn't free up much space...a new computer is in the works.)
But, I found this cute image of Gwyneth from this past summer. I love her expression, and the black and white processing. I had just gotten my 85mm 1.8 lens and had to try it out on my favorite subject!
She is sick today. She's been running low-grade temperatures off and on for a week. Nothing too serious...then Saturday she was laying on the couch with a "terrible headache." Last night she complained again of having a headache. I had just persuaded her to take two children's Mortin (she doesn't like the orange flavored ones) and two minutes later she threw it up. Hmmm...I thought we were in for a night of midnight runs to the toilet, but she slept all night and woke up this morning saying she feels fine...I don't know. I'm canceling all appointments today, just in case...

Ice Skating

Daddy encouraging Gwyneth to come off the wall.

The only shot that came out decent of Gwyneth and I. Some lady walked right in front of David just after this.

I think I can do it...

NOPE! Back to the wall! :o)
She got the hang of it right before we left though.
Fun times! We won't be going back with David for a while. But he could come and watch us. Gwyneth and I will be going back soon. I am even thinking of buying my own skates. Maybe for my birthday! :o)
I searched and searched for photos of me from when I was about 5. I went ice skating for the first time on a date with my sister and her husband (boyfriend at the time.) Believe it or not it was in Hawaii! My sister loved skating...roller, ice etc. She thought it was the cutest thing that I did a twirl on the ice. I see the picture in my mind. I wish I had it!


Gwyneth had to get in on the goofiness! :o) We had a really nice Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day

Gwyneth bought me a cute card with chocolate lips. Just couldn't pass up the goofy photo-op! :o) There were better ones, but Photoshop was running slow, and my patience ran out! Maybe I'll post some more tomorrow!

Ga-Ga for my Gaggia!

(photo I took of a latte prepared as it is sometimes served...in a bowl!)

We bought an espresso machine! Oh, my goodness... I'm in heaven! Especially now that I have gotten the hang of producing a properly pulled espresso, and perfectly foamed milk!
I had gotten to a point where I was buying lattes from the local coffee shops around 4-5 times a week! At $2 a pop, not including the tip, I knew I had to either abandon my love of coffee, or...
These bowls are now on my birthday wish list...
I found these videos to be particularly helpful when starting out...there are a lot more on there too...some good, some not so good. :o)

another screen shot...

Turned on my computer today and was greeted by this...

Now that's COLD! I know, I know...enough screen shots already and post something interesting! I'll get to that soon I hope! David goes back to work next week. 4 weeks home, all day, everyday...It will be a definite change. We've already been trying to get back into some sort of routine, so when he does go back it's not such a shock having to wake up at 5:45 AM. The first two weeks he was home, we were staying up really late and sleeping in late. This week we've been getting to bed at a decent hour, and waking together at 6 AM.
I am not naturally a happy morning person, so this has been particularly challenging for me. This will be good for all of us though. I get so much more done when I get up early. I'll be able to have breakfast with David before work too!
We've been gaining about 6 minutes of sunlight a day too...so that makes it easier to get out of bed. Soon it will be sunny at 6 AM! ha!
Despite the bitter cold, it has been sunny and beautiful here! I would be out photographing all the beautiful scenery if my fingers wouldn't freeze up upon walking out the door! :o)
There is still a few months of snow though. I see a photography field trip coming up in the near future.
Also hoping for some more glimpses of the Northern Lights. We saw them in February of last year.
Look what we get to "dig out" this weekend! It hasn't been started in 4 weeks! It hadn't snowed in weeks, and then all of a sudden a couple days after David's surgery, it starts snowing buckets! I HATE shoveling the drive! I shoveled the garage driveway and the walkway with a little help from Gwyneth. She became a little distracted by cleaning off Daddy's truck. She had fun playing in the bed, making snow angels in the good foot of snow that accumulated in there!

'Till next time...
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