Update on My Dad

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts recently regarding my Dad. He has been home resting since his stay in the hospital for symptoms of a heart attack earlier this month. It was determined after testing that he did not suffer a heart attack, but that there were irregularities in his heart and he needed further testing.
He was scheduled to have a diagnostic pulmonary artery catheterization on Friday, but had to be rescheduled for Tuesday of next week.
This procedure is pretty invasive, and as with all surgery, not without risk. Needless to say, my Dad is pretty anxious to get it over with. Please pray for a smooth and positive outcome to this procedure.
We are traveling to visit them next week. I am so very anxious to see everyone, and give my Dad a gentle hug!
We appreciate your prayers, and thoughts!

two more

I can't believe I forgot these two!

She doesn't look like she's having a good time eh? Afterwards she said she loved it though!?

I love both our expressions in this one! This ride was the best! I have a bruise on my right elbow from her squishing me! ha! The very reason I was on the outside, can you imagine how I would have squished her! whew!


We look like her bodyguards or something. I love G.'s expression and how she is looking away! We're on the ferris wheel that I had a panic attack on! I am so afraid of heights now in my old age! I think it was the fact that there was only a bar across our laps, and we had to sit at the top while others de-boarded! I was holding on for dear life. White knuckles and all! I took this picture after we were a safe distance from the ground and I could actually peel my hands off the bar!
On the tilt-a-whirl that made daddy sick. hee hee (not really, he was just done with the twirly rides after that!)

This little guy was too cute not to take a picture! He's a guinea pig, but they called him cavies. David and I both looked at each other and said "What's a cavy?" Ohh...that's their "real name!"

Gwyneth is standing near the winning cabbage that weighed as much as her! (Surprisingly it didn't smell bad in there...now the livestock arena...that's a different story!)

Awesome wild mushrooms that would most likely kill you if you ate one!

Cutest little "flower bed" I have ever seen!

Our entrance stamps. You can see them all around town right now.
"I know where you've been!"

my dad...

is home and resting.
He was told not to return to work until next week. They ran blood tests, did an ultrasound of his heart that revealed there was no damage to the muscles...Good news.
The EKG revealed some abnormalities, so he has to go to the doctor next week to have more tests done. They put him on medication the regulate his blood pressure.
Thanks for the prayers, please continue to pray.
I cannot wait to see him and all the rest of my family!
We are visiting for two weeks soon.
We are attending Jacob and Marissa's marriage reception. It's going to be a wonderful celebration, full of great company, food and fun times!

please be praying...

My dad spent the night in the hospital for symptoms of a heart attack. I have heard nothing more. They ran many tests, but I do not know what they revealed. Please pray he is o.k.
photo by Rachel Conklin


For this baby to come! And it looks like I'm going to miss delivery due to a dentist appointment!

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