On Olnes Pond

A couple weekends ago we went out to this beautiful pond. It's about 30 miles out of town. Just far enough away to feel like we "got away." We spent the afternoon splashing around in the pond, hiking, and riding our bikes. It was so beautiful! We plan to go camping here soon.

We had to bribe Gwyneth to snap this one of us! Pretty good eh?

David snapped this one of me.
The heart shaped rock she found.

These flowers grow wild here. Bushes, and bushes of them! They are lovely splashes of color along the roads. Irises grow wild here as well! They are so beautiful!
David's bike had a flat from the start. Fortunately he was smart enough to bring along the pump.
Beautiful wildflowers again.

Touching the birch wood. It's incredibly smooth and beautiful!
Moose droppings! Gross, but hey we want to educate you all! ha!

God's Secret Recipe

This evening we spent some time riding our bikes, getting some fresh air and a little sweaty. Upon arriving home Gwyneth got two little cups of water from the faucet. One for her, one for me.
She proceeded to ask:"How do you make water?"
I said:"You don't. No one can make water. It has always been around. God gave it to us."
She said:"Hmmm...it must be God's secret recipe."
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