Random Vacation Picture

Although we've been home a month almost, I still want to share some of my vacations pictures!
I haven't had much time to go through them all yet, as I was editing the wedding I photographed while on vacation. That's about wrapped up, so I will be getting to my personal pictures soon! Here's one I grabbed out of my folder and edited real quick.
This is Rachel (my younger sister) and I being "models" one afternoon. She's much more photogenic than I! I feel more comfortable behind the camera! People always ask us if we are twins. Being that we aren't, and we know that, we find it hard to comprehend sometimes.
I take it as a compliment though, since I think my sister is gorgeous! :o)

Favorite for August

Just wanted to share one of my favorite images from August...before the month is over.
Didn't David do a great job? I love that I have a picture with my girl!

Here's one Gwyneth took of us.

And one David took of just me. Don't have many of just me...thought it would be interesting to look back on when I'm old and gray. I love looking at images of my mom in her twenties. I think my mom is incredibly beautiful, but the images of her when she was my age are particularly fun to look at because I never saw her at that age. She was 27 when she had me.

BBQ & "Buh-no-cho-ly"

(I have this weird obsession with photographing yummy meals.)

It's the simple things! We had a good day today, complete with yummy BBQ pork ribs (slow cooked all day in the crock pot and then grilled so they just fell off the bone!!!) and games.

We played "Buh-no-cho-ly" first. Gwyneth has pronounced Monopoly like this for some time. I think it sounds too cute to correct. She likes to play it but always seems to get bored when it starts to get interesting. Like when we have all bought a few houses for our property, or even hotels. She got very distracted tonight and couldn't even keep her money and property straight.
What a mess. :o)

Gwyneth's side...

Daddy's side...

We called it quits pretty soon after that. After Monopoly we played a little hide & seek in the dark! We each took a turn as the "seeker."
It was a good day. You have to get creative when it's 100 degrees outside. I'll be glad when it starts to cool off here.

no! it can't be!?

Yes, I am posting on our blog! The first time in ages it seems. Life got so busy after vacation...which is good I guess. I don't even know where to begin...
I guess I will just post some photos from yesterday. Gwyneth doing what she loves the most. Playing in the dirt, searching for unique rocks. I think she could have a lucrative career in geology! She has two shoe boxes full of rocks! She loves to paint them too! I love her dressed all girly, with her "bug" boots on and dirt under her nails! She wasn't even aware of the almost 100 degree heat! I sure was. So I only took a few pictures before retreating back into the A/C.
I hope to be able to post some pictures of our trip home later this week. We had a wonderful time!

I will be posting some new photos on my photography blog soon as well... keep a look out!

Till next time!
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