
Gwyneth looks kinda rough in these pictures...I promise I combed her hair this day! She just looks WILD! anyways...we picked some of the pears off our tree because they were starting to fall on the ground. David tried one last night. It wasn't ripe at all! We had fun picking them anyways.

I'm Addicted!

David taught me how to play Sudoku this weekend. I can't stop playing it! Mind you I have not graduated past a 2 star yet! David completed his first 5 star today!

*Notice the yellow notepad paper...we ran out of printer paper...desperate times call for desperate measures! ha!*

i love my hubby

He can "fix" anything!

I went to start our rotisserie chicken tonight and the timer is broken on the rotisserie machine! I was so bummed! This is why God gave me David. I would have never thought to get the vice grip! (He calls it "old faithful" and says between that and a hammer he can fix anything!)

the greatest show on earth...

guess where we went last night?!...

It was Gwyneth's first time at the circus! I'm so glad we waited till she was older. I heard a lot of crying babies there. Walking back to the car after the show and hearing all the tired, whiny babies, I tapped Gwyneth's leg (she was on Daddy's shoulders) and said "I'm so glad you're five!"

Gwyneth said her favorite part was the clown acts.
That is after our discussion in the restroom that went sort of like this: Gwyneth: "I don't like clowns..." Me: "Well JoJo is a clown (Disney cartoon.)" Gwyneth: "I know I just don't like real clowns!"
She laughed out loud during the clown show. :o)

My favorite has always been the acrobats. Gwyneth just so happened to need to go potty at that exact time! ha! That's o.k. I enjoyed the last bit of it!

Not sure what David liked the most.

We had a great time!

one more...

I really loved this shot! She's running through the sprinkler. When I took it I knew I would convert it to black and white. Ignore the copyright stamp. It was intended for an online forum, I'm too lazy to redo it! :o)

three from yesterday

Gwyneth has become such a stinker when it comes to pictures! I think I have broken her! ha! She will barely stay still for me, yells "NO PICTURES!" when I take out my camera! So I have resigned to bribing and finding fun ways to get her to do what I want! I need new subjects!
I LOVED this first shot when I looked at my LCD screen on the back! What a lucky catch! The third shot she is actually on top of her "pink house." (Her outdoor playhouse.) I'm going to extreme lengths here! ha!

Good Recipes

I just wanted to share these great recipes I've tried this week. Both can be found at
Mexican Chicken Soup & Granola Peanut Butter Balls
They take some recipes down after a certain amount of time, I'm not sure if these two are those type, but print them while you can! They're excellent and nutritious!

Anybody watching "So You Think You Can Dance?" I'm a little embarrassed to say I am! I love dancing and I've seen some amazing talent on there! Really cool, but alas it is reality TV, and with that comes the "oh brother!" parts too... (oh, and I wonder if the girls think they're racking up points by bearing the most skin! come on! put some clothes on!)

Tomorrow...Pizza Night! Gotta admit, I'm looking forward to diving into a yummy Papa John's Pepperoni Pizza and having my one Coca Cola for the week! yippee! This week on the nutritious food has been good for me and Gwyneth. David's having a hard time coping with no candy! ha! He'll get used to it...(or go broke at the candy machines at work! ha)

Take care all!


I scrapbooked!

"Bubble Fairy"&"Sweetie" (has rounded corners, just scanned funny...)

I finally sat in my scrap area for about an hour and a half last night and put these two pages together! I put scrapbooking off so much now, because the amount of pictures I have is pretty overwhelming! ha! I'm sure you can imagine...


I posted some of the wedding pictures I took on my photography blog...check it out and let me know what you think! Photo Blog
In an effort to eat healthier, I did some massive grocery shopping! You will not find much junk food in this house anymore. Of course David still won't give up his Dr Pepper-a-day habit!
I planned two weeks worth of meals! Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner! I would often skip lunch because I had no clue what to eat, now it's on excuse!
I've incorporated more whole grains and fruits and vegetables.
There is nothing more fulfilling than a full refrigerator and pantry! I always have such a sense of accomplishment when the shopping is done!
Sunday I spent a good hour washing all the fruits and vegetable so they were ready to eat or cook with. Cuts down prep time when it's time to make dinner.
It's expensive to eat healthy! Low fat items cost twice as much as the same fattening items! Phew! I spent a lot more than we usually budget for food. Hopefully I can find ways to cut cost as I learn to shop healthier!
To quote my favorite fitness guru Denise Austin "God gave us one body, take care of it!"

technical difficulties...

trying to post today, but blogger is being testy...shall post when the problem is remedied...


He surprised me today with these!...
These are the prettiest flowers he's brought me in a long time! And a real terra cotta pot!

Hope you all have an awesome weekend! I'll be recovering from exercising four days this week! Ouch! I'm sore! ha! I am going on another wedding with my friend Steve. Hope to post some photos from that next week! (I'll be even more sore after the wedding, I always am from standing on my feet so much and lugging equipment!)
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